Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 29/4 - Grand Theft Auto IV
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Damn, i need to get a 360 or ps3.
me too
i have already paid for it in full

i shall be picking it up directly after work
tuesday afternoon


maybe i have a vaction day ill take that tuesday just to get it earlier!!!!

can't wait
i haven't got a ps3 or xbox360, but i will be getting a ps3 as soon as i have the cash, mostly because of gtaiv lol

Senseito Sakura Wrote:
squee666 Wrote:i have a wii but i don't have twilight princess D:

Me neither, waiting for progress on the hax0rs first..

Will definitely be getting Mario Kart and SSBB.

i have a wii aswell, and i also have mario kart already :D
but i really can't wait for SSBB, metaknight is so awesome
Well, I guess its out now... right?
mario cart wii? yeah
i want the game.......sob sob

Does that mean that i have to buy a PS3 or Xbox 360...

will it be released on a PC...   please say yes...
It will be released for the PC but half a year later like every (most) GTA PC versions.....

I have the game, but didn't really felt like playing it, probably because of my overall "not so well" feeling
ExBu Wrote:Damn, i need to get a 360 or ps3.


But just borrow from a friend (or Blockbuster) if you have a PS3, and just dump it on your hard drive. Hero

Also, this reminds me of XP SP3. oh lordie.
this game is da ballz. my mind has almost exploded from awe!!!!!! this game is so awesome. cower san andreas, you're sooo gay now.
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