Well, over the past couple of days, I've been using my computer(s) normally. Nothing out of the ordinary. But, all of a sudden, I started to use the Internets, and it wouldn't even load up like half the sites that I usually visit. Myspace, LL (hehe), and a few others. Me thinks that this is my ISP's fault since I can't access one site from either computer. I did the rounds to make sure my computer was clean. All of them came back clean. Now, I don't get it. One big Ethernet cable, and everything's working fine, and the next day, it's spoon.. Weird?
Anyways, try testing these sites and see what I mean:
They all done effin want to load anymore.. :(
Hmm that's really weird that they would do something like that and not inform you. Sucks
* YoYoBallz loves his IPS
Yeah. I'm trying to see if anything is wrong on their side. I don't even know their site. :-p
And Google takes 15+ to load its homepage, and it doesn't load up searches..
Yahoo doesn't load.
Eh. I will livechat it up with them and see what happens.
Damn, I would be calling them up and bitching them out, or just seeing what's wrong.
Yeah. But at 11:17 pm, I'm not up for it..
Sigh. Did tracerts to different sites. She tells me that they all shows that the servers are ok on their side.. The only site that didn't give a full tracert was forums.qj.net and it timed out since hop 10. Anyways, when I get the transcript, I'll post it here. I could have been more mean.. :p
Who is your ISP if you don't mind me asking?
Time Warner NYC - Road Runner
lol offtopic- I don't live far from you, im in Pa
nah, I don't see why your ISP should be giving you PARTIAL problems here, demonchild.
1) What Anti-Spyware Software do you have running? i.e. running in the background
2) What AntiVirus do you have installed on your computer?
3) Paste the contents of the "HOSTS" File in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ [You can open it in Notepad]
4) Can you Ping the sites in question? [Run > "cmd" > ping *put site here without asterisks* ]
1)None. On my laptop, ESET Smart Security.
2)Avast on my desktop, ESS on the laptop.
3) Dekstop:
4)I had some blasted Virtumode adware on my computer that I got rid of.. All of the sites that didn't work before, works again..