Endless Paradigm

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Well I have done much Graphics due to my internets being down but.....here:

[Image: Graduationcopy.png]

[Image: Nightcrawler.png]

[Image: Nightcrawlercopy.png]
i liked the graduation one, but it feels like something's missing...

i don't like the nightcrawler one, sorry,

and DUDE double you tee eff: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...#pid124611
Kaiser Wrote:i liked the graduation one, but it feels like something's missing...

i don't like the nightcrawler one, sorry,

I agree, but I don't know what the missing thing is :(

No need to be sorry. I couldn't get it right so I just posted it :P I'm a bit out of practice at the moment...

nightcrawler v1 looks best
The GRADUATION one looks great.
Thanks guys :P They both took quite a long time XD
too much saturation on nightcrawler? ...

still.. theyr coolness :D
Thanks boogs I'll try and change it later :D
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