Endless Paradigm

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SkyDX Wrote:The shaking is more or less on a normal level, but when I really think: STOP! it stops right away... I'm thinking more and more it's really over exhaustion, since I again feel tired, my eyes are burning a little and my head is heavy, though I relaxed just 2 hours ago...

I'm watching .hack//ROOTS and Prism Ark atm^^

can you relate to any cold or feverish symptoms?
workdays, tuesday to sunday, i just sleep 5-6 hours.
but on my day off, mondays, i stay in bed 15-20 hours but wakes up every 2-3 hours, sometimes every 5 minutes.

but yeah, lack of sleep affects concentration greatly.
eyesight, i got eyeglasses because of too much computer. been using a computer since I'm 5 years old, spending 10+ hours a day with it.

also, kinda weird, when i dream, i know that i am dreaming, so i control it, but as soon as i do something in my dream, i wake up. mostly nightmares, like last night, i dream again, looking directly upward, neck bent, and in my dream, i want to straighten up my neck, but i can't, it's like it is fighting, as soon as i straighten it, i wake up. it happens alot.

my mom said i get nightmares because of stress.

so yeah, try to sleep alot. your body will suffer. I'm trying too.
sleep more
there was a time this year when i used to study late into the night cause of exams and got up early after about 10 days of doing that i was really pooped i used to feel sick but im back to normal and get a lot of sleep
i usually like to sleep for 8-9 hours but sometimes its not possible buti  make up for it
Now I'm certainly sure it's lack of sleep and the rest was just psychological, I just went shopping with my mum and before I realized ALL of my symptoms where gone, except the weird seeing consciousness, my "life will" has also been restored! On the way home I realized I'm abnormally tired so I will go to sleep at 10pm today and try to sleep till 6am straight^^
when it comes to holidays i practically kill myself with sleep loss. once before i stayed up till 7 am and woke up at around 4 pm..... crazy. after my exams finish I'll have 10 weeks of summer.... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!
It might be lack of sleep, but yo'll find it hard to sleep like that, sonce your not used to it
Although you might be tired at 10PM, it will feel normal to you since your used to feeling like that at that time, and youll wake up at 4-5 ish feeling like you can't get back to sleep

That will probably go on for a while, i had a sleep problem for the longest time, but i took the other approach and got used to less sleep (took a long time, and every so often i have to just collapse for a day still)
I thought it would be hard to sleep longer, but I just want my normal seeing consciousness back^^
SkyDX Wrote:Hey guys... I wonder if anyone experienced the same as me...

Ever since last Friday I've been feeling weird, it started with dizziness on Friday, headache on Saturday and earache on Sunday. Every of these lasted only one day but ever since Saturday evening it seems I see different... not blurred or anything, my field of vision seems the same and I don't see colorful stars or fog... It's just I seem need to concentrate more on things to see them "clear" like I'm not fully awake or dreaming... Also I suffer from shivering at night since Sunday night...

I already went to the doc and made a full blood test, the results came in today and my blood is perfectly fine, no viruses, no increased stuff, absolute healthy...

My mum sad it's maybe due to a lack of sleep, it's true ever since 1 1/2 years ago I've been sleeping for about 5-6 hours a night which seems not much, eh?

I tried to sleep more but the shivering makes this a little difficult and I'm not a good day sleeper...

Anyone maybe went through similar things and knows what it is?

exact same thing, omfg, i didn't go to the doctor though, it stopped on tuesday
never try going a night without sleep. you will be a complete asshole the next day.
SkyDX Wrote:I thought it would be hard to sleep longer, but I just want my normal seeing consciousness back^^

Yeah, its ahrd, but not impossible

I did it for a short while but i ended up reverting back to my old pattern out of habit, and so sleep sort of slipped back

Its worth the bonus, im really short tempered and slow since i started not sleeping again (i sleep about 15 hours a week now) which is really bad, but i just can't sleep because im so used to not doing
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