Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Warning if using modified click sounds
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Hey i don't know if this matters or not, but when I was converting black 32 to 390m33, I noticed something.
When I added the click sounds, it prompts to make them stereo. If I do make them stereo, when I play a game that requires saving (UMD/ISO)
The save data icon is corrupted, or sometimes it doesn't load at all. And If You do try to save, the save isn't always complete (rendering it useless)
So anyways, My burnout save is gone... And I changed the clicks to mono. Sounds just as good, and saves load fine.

If this is at all usefull, please, feel free to thank me.
that is actually a useful bit of information

but maybe this is a isolated incident.
LMAO, no that's not it, your memory card is fudgeed up, also you posted on the home page jackass! LMAO
good thing I have always used mono!

Good old mono!
do you use RCO EDITOR when changing click sounds?
never had this prob,.!? mostly use stereo click sounds,.!?
just want to ask in respect with the thread starter kinda off topic, when i try to change the click sound of my PSP now only the leftside of speaker is working but my PSP haven't experience bumping or any related situation. but before the two speaker is working good. i don't know the logic of it. maybe somebody also experience like mine advice will highly appreciated
Could be that you are using a only 1 channel of the stereo set-up!? i am not sure,. but if you wanne go from stereo to mono you somehow have to reset,.!?
bro v1 how to reset?
vinrose67 Wrote:bro v1 how to reset?

use a new system_plugin.rco,. !?
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