Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My First Ever Vector - Finally!
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Pages: 1 2
Technically, actually this is my first ever finished vector, but I've tried to do some before and gave up. It's simple, but I'm pretty pleased. Nice?

[Image: Pikachu.png]
i think its very well done, good work sir
Thank you very much!
Its way better than my first one.
Nice linings.. very nice work... which Tutorial did you learn from?
nice work
i tried to vector once and gave up but it was a long time ago maybe i should try again sometime
wow really nice for your first one Specky
piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-kA!!!!!!!!1 lulz ..

verynice :D
Lol, thanks everyone.

Senseito, i think may have used tigerfan's tut a little while ago, all i did was learn how to use the pentool, and then went on from there.

[Image: avatar_2142_480a3960.png]

Pages: 1 2
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