i just watched it the first time. curiosity got the better. i don't know what the fuss is about. I've seen much worse, honestly. if you want something seriously vomit inducing and horribly masochistic(but still funny) go out and buy dirty sanchez:the movie. in case you don't know dirty sanchez(or team sanchez, as they're commonly known) are a group of three friends and one warped man from Cornwall, who embark on a series of mad journeys to cause as much pain as they can to each other. there are numerous things which are hideously twisted (no spoon eating) but it is brill =D. it has been quoted "dirty sanchez makes jackass look like the royal shakespere co." and it seriously is.
but 2 girls 1 cup really didn't faze me in the slightest. i'z fudged man!
rockhead Wrote:dude watch the pain olympics mans genitals vs hatchet
apparently they used dead bodies. yawn........
watched. definitely dead body. i doubt whether someone would live long enough to finish that vid anywayz. they'd die from blood loss, or at least pass out after a minute. god these things are for pussies. i have probably seen worse in my life(nothing to do with penis hacking)
yep. bunch of college students got high before april fools and got a donor body from the med research depo.