Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Best commercial Ever.
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Pages: 1 2
ill just put it this way... i lol'd, HARD
thanks to zehruk for sending this to me by email, and i uploaded it for great justice
here it is

Source: YouTube
Lol, I remember this video. It still makes me laugh when I see it. ^^
stupid kid lol

but you don't need to wear condoms, you just got to give your kids good punishment
*Click *Click *Bang

That's my solution...
yah! i seen this on a 'worlds funniest commercials' show.

I definitely got the message...Woo
i do what george bush senior should have done..

"pull out"

This is the single greatest commercial.
haha i remember this
i really liked one Thinkpad add... these two guys sitting in a bar, and one of them is boasting about the thinkpads invincibility.. data recovery, shock-proff hdd, crack-resistant body and screen blah blah...

the other looks at the notebook in front of the guy, picks it up and drops it. It shatters...
Silence.. both stare at the notebook... the other guy smiles victoriously..

Punch line: That's not my Notebook!

Was damn hilarious when you'd see it... wonde if I can find it anywhere.
* feinicks goes of in search.
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