Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New Vector
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Pages: 1 2
Yoko Ritona from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

[Image: YokoRitona.png]
OMG!! That is amazing, very detailed and good use of colors, great job Exbu.
Nice vector!

I will never be able to vector.

delicious work you've done right there, pure awesomeness.
ive no idea who that is...

but very nice vector :D
[Image: em19rm5.gif]Very nice, work.
your amazing
nice vector
that looks like a girl...
no but srsly that's way good
beaner2k6 Wrote:that looks like a girl...
no but srsly that's way good

lol huh? all the ones ive vectored look like girls.

Thanks for the comments.
Pages: 1 2
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