Lol, in all of history i never used anything based on "real life" that is to say a picture that you can find in this world that isn't made up
anyway this is what i made with it, eh maybe its not DA BEST but its pretty good for a first go
I really like the various colors. Cute girl too ^^
very nice choice of stock and an excellent sig, very good job tetris.
I like the colors but the clouds and rainbow seem out of place for me.
wow!! looks even better. nice job tetris999. ^^
lookit all them purty lights :D
awesome lighting, very cool ideas indeed, but ...
diego Wrote:I like the colors but the clouds and rainbow seem out of place for me.
I'll have to agree with that..
Oh and another thing out of place in the new version is the light coming from the top.
Looking at the shadows on her face you can see that all the light comes from in front of her.
Just trying to help.