Endless Paradigm

Full Version: just had something weird happen in myplaza
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ok, so i was just seeing how much money i had in the bank and decided to deposit some more. so i typed in how much i wanted to deposit and clicked 'go'. the page then scrolled up to the top (not refreshed). so i scrolled down to the botom to check if it had worked. it now said i had 'unspecified' in the bank and below the 'go' button it said 'array'. so i tried again and as soon as i clicked 'go' again internet explorer (I'm posting this from school) decided to take me here.

quite strange. is it ie or ep at fault? and are my e-piggies safe?
worked ok for me...
REALLY wierd..

Do you know of this MusicalMidgets Blog?
check ur computer for spyware and adware
haha you got jacked by the EP manbearpig that loves them e-piggies
the musical midgets are taking over all the e-piggies o.O
I'll need to get home to fix that I think.

For now, the static page seems to work: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/plaza.p...age&p=bank
it was a strange experience. and no, I've never heard of 'musical midgets'. about viruses and spyware, its possible being a shool computer. the school firewall (which doubles as a wee blocker) stops the virusguard from updating. the computer is also used by loads of stupid kids everyday so somethings bound to get in.
Musicalmidget is a designer of a theme - his link is at the bottom of each page.  Dunno how it linked but yeah...
wow i never seen musical midget til now

he's trying to 'borrow' my e-pigs

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