Endless Paradigm

Full Version: What's your favourite free game?
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Have you played many free games before?

I can't remember exactly, but here's a few that I have in mind that were at least fun:
- Little Fighters
- MindArms (fighting game)
- Cave Story (Platform RPG)
I've played loads of crappy flash games before. back in the day(year8) wee would all be going on igre.kupid every time wee had a computer. then came unreal tournament and now i just go on this site
mmo games? quite a few

drift city «- will download again
ran online «- got bored with it
audition «- didnt like it
o2 jam «- didnt like it either
RF online «- open beta
pirate king «- booooring
granado espada «- closed & open beta
aruaRose «- private server

and a few moar that i can't remember
ah the ijji games...lol i totally forgot about those.
bowman for the win!

its apparently possible to play it through the internet browser on the psp if the swf is saved on the memory stick
yeah i actually like bowman
bowman is fun
i love this new one, its called hold on...Clear Vision
Cave Story.
God of War: Chains of Olympus. My cousin got it, finished and borrowed me last week and I'm playing it. For free. Lol.

Just joking, I like some random flash internet games.
mindsweeper and sudoku
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