Posted this question over at hacks, thought I'd get some input here. Used to be a no-brainer, ųtorrent, but I've been seeing bad, bad things connected to it, reading at the PG2 forums some folks have been having issues with nothing being blocked while using it, other issues, leading to speculation that it may have been opened up for anti p2p groups, dunno, just spent about 15 minutes thread jumping there, not sure of the whole story. Can ųtorrent still be trusted? Is anyone using something else that's as good (and allowed by the kitties)?
PG2 seems to work just fine with utorrent for me. You can also add them ipfilters things to utorrent as well.
I have ever really had a problem with PG2 or utorrent and have used them both for a long time now.
I'm currently using uTorrent. Probably 50+% of all people I connect to use uTorrent as well. So I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
Never used PG2.
i tried other bt clients, but eventually came back to utorrent. Never had any issues with it till now...
uTorrent in Windows
Deluge in Ubuntu. (can also use uTorrent via Wine, but I havent tried..

i used flashget before .. but uses more memory
soi switched to ųtorrent :D
PG2 seems to be working fine with uTorrent 1.7.7 ~ I've also been concerned, since uTorrent was bought by BitTorrent Inc. ~ who provide Legal Entertainment, and backs Copyright Groups.. but I haven't noticed anything alarming as of yet.