Endless Paradigm

Full Version: slowly starting off
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Pages: 1 2
here is a little bit of work. this really isn't anything important just some fun i had in photoshop. the best way i find to learn is to try things and i am completely open to criticism and advice.
                   [Image: finallysomething.jpg?t=1208041439]

I love the green...

Where did the tongue go??
Tip. Don't make it grainy.
diego Wrote:Tip. Don't make it grainy.

hehe.... I'll go with that too... no grain, andrew
here is a little more work i just had a go on

[Image: zeldaootcopy.jpg?t=1208108756]
my skillz are getting quite good now. I'm pretty confident at it
Good, now can wee see moar workz?
[Image: poo.jpg?t=1209421482]

[Image: gaming7794copy.jpg?t=1209948479]

[Image: notepad.jpg?t=1209949576]
Nicer! good job just keep on practicing.
as they always say, practice makes perfect (one day, lets hope it won't take years XD)
Pages: 1 2
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