Urgh, gimme the URLs - I've got the generator part working (yes, I'm new to PHP, so I suck).
Might take a little longer for me to code the front-end for the generator :P
Double postuuh.. what urls?? or ur talkina bout my pics??
Yeah, I got the generation script working - just gimme the URLs of the pictures, and I'll add 'em and give you back a random generator thingy.
Uhh.. what amd i meant to do? lolzz
lol ye the front end is always the hardest part :P the core is usually simple
test with zinga's code this time..
^^^ OOHHH, it worked...... Don't know what's wrong with GOSHI's 1 for some reason =/
how exactly do i make 1 of these im more confused after reading this
Very easy actually ≥3 and nice avatar ^^ i like the colours....
Soo.. where r u stuck?