Endless Paradigm

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I do soft for PSP Slim!I bricked PSP,now I updated this Slim to 3.71 M33-2!
But I have one trouble!
UMD don't work!When I turn on PSP he write error in read!
Help me!How I can restore 102 key?!
I need your help!
Do you have some programm to restore back 102 key?
I'm sure that key is one of the keys that can not be repaired,
And I need to go to SCE center?!
Well you can try but your warranty will be void,
yeah I know!
You can try regenerating the key yourself, flash a nand backup if you have one, or get a new PSP.
I don't have backup :( Sadist All problemm is in this!
By soft.. do u mean soft-mod? And sometimes when you upgrade it will ask you if you would like to fix them, that's what i did once :P
0x102 is unique to each PSP,

You could try the NANDtool and try to copy the key from the backup location,

0x120-0x126 = Backup of respective 0x100-106 key
I was doing this I haven't got nand-dump.bin for my SLIM!
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