Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anyone want to play RO in my channel?
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Just thought I'd share this with everyone
who wants to join up ^_^.

For those who doesn't know what RO is, its Ragnarok Online.
Go here for more info;

It's pretty fun, imagine Diablo..... except in a 'cuter' non violance version.
Yeah, that's Ragnarok Online for you~
Anyways, I'm actually trying to set this up and i need help to see if you guys can connect to my server.

1st STEP
First, you need to download the client (Both RO and Sakray) which can be found here;

Ragnarok 0305

Sakray 0305

Once you have downloaded all the 5 links, just exract them and you should have 2 installation program.
the 1st one is RAG_SETUP0305.exe
the 2nd one is SAK_SETUP0305.exe

2nd STEP;
Update your client

Go to C:Programs Files/Gravity/RO
You should see 2 .exe named 'Ragnarok.exe' and 'sakray.exe'
Launch them both and DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING.
It should do an automatic update, that's what wee want~

After it has finished updating (You can see that the bar's not moving),
close the 2 applications and proceed to the 3rd step

3rd STEP
Thirdly, you need to download these files;

Once you have downloaded all the 3 links, just extract them and you should have 2 folders and 1 file;
The 1st one contains the folder 'data'
The 2nd one contains the folder 'FullData_v3'
The 3rd one is 'kROsakexe0325bN.exe'

Your data folder is located in C:Programs Files/Gravity/RO
(This is assuming you chose to install in the default location)

Now just cut/copy and replace the 1st file to C:Programs Files/Gravity/RO
The same goes with the 2nd file replacing the contents that's in there.

As for the 3rd one, just place it in C:Programs Files/Gravity/RO.
It is not meant to replace anything.

4th STEP;
You need the information to log in to my server,
so you just download this information;

What you should receive is a file called 'sclientinfo.xml'
Now please cut/copy and paste it on C:Programs Files/Gravity/RO/data

5th STEP;
Logging into my server;

Launch the 'kROsakexe0325bN.exe' file you got in your C:Programs Files/Gravity/RO folder
Just click on PSP-Hacks.

Now, you 1st need to create your account.
I'm going to give you an example on how to do it.

First you type <username>_<sex>
(M for male, F for female)
password can be anything you like.

So for example, i wanted to create an account called PSP
so it will be
Name: PSP_M
Password: *********

............. and the next time you want to login, no need to put the _M or the _F anymore.
Just username: PSP and password: ******** will do~
The _M and _F is just for 1st time registration.

PS: For those who have trouble registering,
please PM me with your desired username and password~

6th STEP;

...... to be updated......

7th STEP;
Rules and Regulations

- Strictly NO BOTS! You will be eXx1l3d if you try it!
- Be friendly, no vulgarities kay?
...... to be updated......
...... for now, just enjoy.......
thanks  ``Stalvros

i seen this over at -hacks as well

well i don't play this but im sure some people do.
oh lol yeah
oh come on over if you'd like to try ^_^
its still new actually but i would like to just chill and hang around with cool people XD

(My definition of cool by the way)
(people who don't throw vulgaitiries around the channel -_-)
i used to play this when I'm in the philippines. my first mmorpg. my account have 5b worth of items, all legit. but got them through botting,.
no botting in my server :(
well, i actually set the exp rate to 20 times and
item drop rate to 5 times mroe~

so i guess there's no reason for you to bot~
Also, bots crashed my server :(
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