I said I was going to make something of my somewhat love for erm... romances..... lulz..
Anyways, this is quite a basic one.. and a simple portrayal of luv luv progressiveness with these 2 ladies!
Yay~ Kawaii!
Slightly ...strange..., but very cool grpahically, i like the way it all slots together well
Naughty naughty business going on here!!!!! :P
I love it but I think it should have a soft coloured border to it....
MehHakker Wrote:Naughty naughty business going on here!!!!! :P
I love it but I think it should have a softer coloured border to it....
it has a black cinema boarder
* xero1
's it
Very nice, I had a few dreams like this.
Or, has that real, I can't remember O.o

what is that?!? I mean the art is great but the concept is seems so perverted.
I like it!
*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:MehHakker Wrote:Naughty naughty business going on here!!!!! :P
I love it but I think it should have a softer coloured border to it....
it has a black cinema boarder
I meant to put
soft coloured border...
I'm basically masturbating to it right now. Nice job Senseito Sakura.
Chaoticgamer Wrote:I'm basically masturbating to it right now. Nice job Senseito Sakura.
diego Wrote:Chaoticgamer Wrote:I'm basically masturbating to it right now. Nice job Senseito Sakura.
I wouldn't ew...
I would expect it from chaoticgamer