Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Blue~Ray((Less)) PS3=Lamme!!
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Yeahh Sony announced that a Blue~Rayless PS3 will launch sometime in August for $150, that will require you to download all((if available)) of the PS3 games you want to play.
I, for one, am kinda torm between the "totally lamme" and the "okeydokey, knda lamme?? O_o"
It might be cheaper in the long run((depending on the prices of the games)), or it might defeat the whole purpose of having a PS3. I dunno, I'm skeptical. =/

PSXextreme Link((to story)):

Hmm. Seems like a good idea, but it would be quite a heavy downloading list. Some of the games are upto 25GB.
?how would it work?

i don't think this is true..

let me check out that link,

blu rayless would suck

edit:it appears in the comments below to be a april fools joke
that's an april fool's
Look at the post date guys ;)
Fucking April Fools.

And if the games themselves weren't so damn big, this might actually work. As it is, though, with games like MGS4 getting close to the 50GB limit, I can't see how it could work without taking up heinous amounts of HDD space.
150$ = not enough to manufacture a ps3 without bluray drive.
Meh, I'm locking this.. not really April Fools anymore :p
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