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Full Version: Help making new theme from scratch
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I want to make a new flash theme from scratch. As I don’t like ctf or ptf themes. And I am looking for a guide or guides that can help me. I have had a look around but I got a bit confused with it all. Im a total noob when it comes to making a theme and hex editing (not a noob on installing a flash theme. Done it loads of times). some time ago, i did try to edit a topmenu.prx once but got stuck and gave up. now i would like to start making my own flash theme's again.

This is what I would like to find out.
How to extract and convert the topmenu.prx, vshmain.prx etc
How to move the icons around the xmb
How to make new clicking sounds
How to make a new font style
and any others that i may have missed.

So basically, im looking for a complete guide that can show me how to make a new flash theme….if there is such a guide. By the way, the theme will be for v3.90m33

I would appreciate any help


As yourself I am a noob, and haven't the clue on how to create a theme. But I do know that you should start off by downloading the Power Tools. They have descriptions as to what each one does. I know it's not much help, but it's a start. Here's the linkPower Tools

I wish you luck, and please let me know what you come up with as, I want to learn and I want to contribute to the community too.

-Semper Fi
gyrene2083 Wrote:oldgit,

As yourself I am a noob, and haven't the clue on how to create a theme. But I do know that you should start off by downloading the Power Tools. They have descriptions as to what each one does. I know it's not much help, but it's a start. Here's the linkPower Tools

I wish you luck, and please let me know what you come up with as, I want to learn and I want to contribute to the community too.

-Semper Fi

thanks for that.

but i did see the power tools thread after i posted this one. but im at work until friday and the works network will not let me download anything :( i have tried. but as soon as i get get back home on friday, i will download them and read up on the readme's and give them a go.
To edit icons you will need rco editor . It is really simple.
To edit prx's you will either need to know how to hex , or use a prx editor.

The prx's are where your icons are and the rco's are the icons themselves.

Here is a guide with using the rco's if you want to look at it .SXforce's XMB guide
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