Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Black 32 Remixed 390 m33
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I made this theme because, i always loved the black 32 theme. It was the reason i got into the psp homebrew/mod scene
I hope you enjoy it, I certainly enjoyed making it
the files with redirection change the network update to load pspfiler and lftv to load psptube
There are a lot of added files that the original black 32 didnt have, so please check it out.
[Image: black32lookalikebb9.png]
How do you do that redirection? I'd like to do that PSPTube thing on mine.
metalgear08 Wrote:How do you do that redirection? I'd like to do that PSPTube thing on mine.
Yep wondering too.
google for the prx to eboot redirector and you will find the file. or just flash the file i included in my theme...
Wow. Nice theme.. Love it.
wow .. black32 :D .. i bricked with this theme :p (back in 3.03 i think) lol
when i flash this theme to my psp i get an original theme of the visualizations and a moon in the background with trees and its red...how do i get it to the picture you have above??
simply change the color of the theme. go to settings- theme settings -color. its the second one i think
by the way, would anyone be interested if I was to make a circacor version of this theme? ( u know, with the icons on the bottom) if you would, Ill be happy to try...
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