Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Uses for a 32MB memstick.
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Name some "unoffical" uses for it.

I'll start off:
Spike someone's drink with it, when they're too drunk to notice.
Ummm put nothing but pictures on it????
Hide it in your anus before being sent to prison and then sell it for seed money.

Say its a 4gb and sell on ebay (people have done this type of thing)
^^ Those "people" (I use the term loosely) should have their balls cut off. If they have no balls, they should be added....THEN cut off!

Scammers piss me off.

Back on topic: I have a 32 mb stick that I haven't used in a very long time. I dunno...uhhhh....keep a flash1 and flash0 backup on it?
^^^^ yeah that's why I don't really buy things off ebay...

Back to topic: keep gamesaves back ups? idk
ebay's cool, if you buy from a reputable seller. I've gotten many things from ebay -- like my psp -- and been quite satisfied.
lol yesterday i had a dream of having 5 34.25mb memsticks. then my dog ate it...

soo.. feed it to ur dog so he/she can have more memory :D
yeah perhaps the dog will member where he left my homework don't you think?

ohh i got it, put oeflasher on it so that you can go around updating ppls psp's to oe FW for money
Put emulatorz and r0mzors on it
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