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ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Changing encryption algorithms is not going to change anything - it's only going to make it harder for Sony, not the hackers.

If Sony would stop spending money of the PSP battle, and spend it on making/getting better games, or spending that time on making the firmware better the PSP would be in a better place now.

I don't think most people hack their PSP, and it's just a waist anyway has it ever stopped then, or really slowed them down?
^ I don't think Sony do spend much on tightening PSP security.  Amongst PSP hacking sites, there seems to be some general belief amongst the teenagers that Sony is locked in some epic battle with hackers.

In reality, what is Sony trying to do?  Maximize profits.

Let's take a look - before custom firmware.  When a new exploit in their firmware is discovered, of course, they patch it up.  Firstly, it looks bad for them if they have a security hole, and secondly, it really doesn't cost them much to patch it (probably just pay some programming one day's wage to get the job done).  On the other hand, it makes it so much more difficult for the hacking community to find future exploits, and, this may in fact drive some people to not bother using stuff like DevHook for the ability to play newer games.

After custom firmware, Sony still haven't done much.  Probably their biggest attempt at stopping hacking was changing the NIDs, which makes making custom firmwares much harder, at a minimal cost to Sony.

Protection measures such as DRM are only really intended to stop the casual user.  Of course, they're not going to spend the effort to tighten security on it.
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