Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ray or rex?
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which metal gear do you think is best. there's only one way to find out, FIGHT!!!!!!!!!
or just, you know, vote.

[Image: ray2.jpg]  
[Image: rex.jpg]
meh these threads of yours are not in random insanity. does this count as thread spamming
squee666 Wrote:meh these threads of yours are not in random insanity. does this count as thread spamming

well you voted at least
He has been thread spamming but I do not think some of his threads should be moved to random insanity, some, yes, others, no.

Do you want this moved?
well i think this is to do with gaming. it is from mgs and had no insane intentions at all. i know I've been making a lot of threads today but I've had a lot of ideas. keep it here for now.
Meh Liger Zero kicks their donkey
So does Berserk Fury
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