Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Crisis Core Signature
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Which of these Sigs do you like better?

I made both of these from a screenshot I took of Zack while playing Crisis Core

[Image: 2mh7v3a.png]     [Image: 28irtj6.png]
First one is much better imo, its darker which works better with the Zack pic, and looks cooler generally
Yeah I agree.

The bottom one is too bright, and Zack doesn't blend with the rest of the image.

I give the top one a 8/10. :)


Seriously nice work.

The effect you have around Zack is clearer in the second one and is very cool....
but yeah the first one takes the cake because like roberth said, it goes better with Zack.
darker one is good
The black one..
The Black one looks better but it's a little smudgy.

looks alright though
WHOAH zack looks weird
first one, the name should be more brighter as your letter e cannot really be seen
i like the second one, blurple for the win.
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