Endless Paradigm

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I got 7.....I've wondered what they where but I never really noticed....
I've noticed them but didn't note them, I've got.. 7

Its pretty obvious what they are.

You've got so many stars as to what rank you are.

1~? for Posting
7 for Mod (Senior Members?)
0 for Admins? [|Anubis| has none??]
mmm iv got none that i c wer evry1 else has them... weird lol
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Its pretty obvious what they are.

You've got so many stars as to what rank you are.

1~? for Posting
7 for Mod (Senior Members?)
0 for Admins? [|Anubis| has none??]

that may not necessarily be true, I'm a mod not an Admin and i have no stars... Sadist

wee need Zinga to resolve this issue by just explaining what they are

Come tell us what they mean!!!!!! Show us the light!!!!
stars? where's mine?
matchung Wrote:stars? where's mine?

total n00bz probably don't get the stars :(

i got 7 and i just noticed ZiNGA doesn't have any.
i have the feelign zinga doesn't want to tell us what they  (stars) stand for :D
they might be something totaly random
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