Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How do you pronouce "Endless Paradigm"?
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ive been telling myself to make this thread for about a month but ive been lazy and didnt do it...

well basically i was going to ask you how did you pronounce Endless Paradigm.

but like 2 days ago i found out i was mispronouncing it the whole time.

this is how:


"end"less""Par"ra"dig"um"  Emptyone

then i was telling my friend about this site
ant he was like "what how do you spell that?"
i spelt it.
then he told me he came across this word not to long ago
and said it the same way as me.
but he said his friend corrected him.

it is pronounced "par"ra"di"ma" or "par"ra"dy"me"

hehe boy was my face red Sadcorner

so yeah how do you say it?
I pronounce it like "para-dime"
dime as in the coinPeace
End-less Pa-ra-dime
Exodus Wrote:I pronounce it like "para-dime"
dime as in the coinPeace

yeah that's what i was getting at
its pronouced "p e n i s"

lol jk
um i call it par ra dime
Basically "para-dim".

"Para" as in parachute, "dim" as in the light is really dim.
Assassinator Wrote:Basically "para-dim".
"dim" as in the light is really dim.

it think it isn't like that

it think its like dime
*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Basically "para-dim".
"dim" as in the light is really dim.

it think it isn't like that

it think its like dime

I have never heard anyone say that word, so it's just my assumption.

If everyone says it's "dime", then I'm probably wrong.
My computer said it was para dime?
yeah, it's pronounced Para -Dime
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