Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [website]Highlighting of words when they are said.
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Ok for my I.T coursework I have to make a e-portfolio, and basicly i went all out made it look nice but I wanted to add one cool feature I know nobody has, i would like to have my words highlighted when it is said. I have already recorded my commentary. So I was wondering if there is anycode that allows me to do it. I have made a something like what i want in flash but it won't play at the same time as my commentary.
Syncing is one of the most difficult things in stuff like subbing (and this).  You'll just have to try to get the syncing right.
ok. I just wanted to know if there was a program that did it for you also.
Nah, voice recognition still sucks today, especially with songs.
You can use the audio file to facilitate the timing. I mean you can view the audio waverform, like amplitude and frequency and everything, and when someone starts talking, you will notice changes, this can help you in timing.

Of course, you will have to do everything manually (typing out the words, and inserting the timecodes), there is currently no automatic voice recognitiion method (i know of) that will pick up exactly what you are saying and display it in text perfectly, automatically without you doing anything.
[quote=ZiNgA BuRgA]
Nah, voice recognition still sucks today


Source: YouTube

I've done karaoke sub timing - it's quite tedious, but you get used to it after a while.
Well basicly what im doing is creating a movie in flash of just the words highlighting themselfs. And then when recording read the words when highlighted. But i have to add a frame for everyword and I have 8 pages with about 100 words on, so you can imagine how long its taken. I have completed two pages and i started at 10 GMT
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