There is a Final Fantasy VII OVA.
Its called "The Last Order"
It explains the gap between beating Genesis and the final stand of Zack Fair.
As for me, Ace Combat.
lol duke nukem... hahahahahaha
its time to kick donkey and chew bubble gum, but im all out of gum
well they made an OVA for Ar Tonelico (1esp)
|-Anubis-| Wrote:There is a Final Fantasy VII OVA.
Its called "The Last Order"
It explains the gap between beating Genesis and the final stand of Zack Fair.
As for me, Ace Combat.
i meant a ffvii based anime that somewhat is a summation of the entire FFVII story! Everything! CC, LO, FFVII, AC, Dirge everythin!
feinicks Wrote:|-Anubis-| Wrote:There is a Final Fantasy VII OVA.
Its called "The Last Order"
It explains the gap between beating Genesis and the final stand of Zack Fair.
As for me, Ace Combat.
i meant a ffvii based anime that somewhat is a summation of the entire FFVII story! Everything! CC, LO, FFVII, AC, Dirge everythin!
This is madness!!
Have no idea.
Chrono Trigger? I'd like to see how they make the main character never talk in that.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Zelda?
There's already a crappy cartoon of that lol (no offense to anyone who likes it :P)
But I would like to see that!!!!
Fable the Anime!!!!!
StarCraft Anime would be so much win.
Diablo Anime would be so much win.
WarCraft Anime would be so much win.
Any Blizzard Game made in to an Anime would be so much win.
/Blizzard Fanboy xD...