Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PS3 Never Gets in-game custom soundtracks?
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Games like a Grrl Wrote:I have a random idea about an hd walkman, getting hd radio signal on a portable player, with a small screen that will play hdtv channels received from a mini antenna built into the device.  No idea how to make it, but I thought of it, can I patent this vague notion?

Someone keep Sparker away from the patent office until I can get there. *runz to car*

Yep, that's pretty much how it works.  You know, I remember reading in GI once that Nintendo patented a motion sensitive handheld console. And from what the small article said, companies do it ALL THE TIME.  They may patent an idea that they may never intend to implement.  Smart, but an asshole move that hurts potential users who would either enjoy or benefit from the feature.  I had always thought patents came while something was in development or something like that. I don't know. It never occurred to me that it would be used in such a way.
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