Endless Paradigm

Full Version: April 2nd or March 33rd?
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Pages: 1 2
Setting the system date to April 2nd on the PSP causes everthing (MAC, Nickname, system software, date, etc) to change to M33 or some variant of it.

[Image: snap002jn9.png]
April Fools lol
yeah i guess so
Dax put an easter egg in the FW

on 04/02(03/33) that will happen
Ryu Wrote:Dax put an easter egg in the FW

on 04/02(03/33) that will happen

lol Ryu knows EVERYTHING!!!! No!!! It's a conspiracy!!!
Still 04/01 here so might as well wait.. ;) Does this work on the older M33's ?
demonchild Wrote:Still 04/01 here so might as well wait.. ;) Does this work on the older M33's ?

Mostly likely not.
YoYoBallz Wrote:
demonchild Wrote:Still 04/01 here so might as well wait.. ;) Does this work on the older M33's ?

Mostly likely not.

sooo for what m33 will it work?

(damnit whered my PSP get to...........)
lol great fun.
lol i never even looked... i had no idea dax put an easter egg in the firmware... makes ya wonder if theres any other ones
Pages: 1 2
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