Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Do not have sex with your picnic bench while the neighbors are videotaping it
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[Image: 08328132425_picnicsex.jpg]
[url=http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/strange/news-article.aspx?storyid=105778 Wrote:Source[/url]
BELLEVUE, OH -- A man in central Ohio is accused of having sex with his picnic table.

The investigation began when a tipster gave police three DVDs showing Arthur Price having sexual intercourse with a metal round table on his deck.

The incidents occurred between January and March 2008.

Police say the DVDs show Price involved in a sex act in his bedroom. He walks out to his deck, tilts the table on its side and has sex with it.

Police say Price lives near an elementary school.

Price admitted that he had sex with the picnic table when police questioned him.

He confirmed to police the incidents caught on the DVDs and said he had also had sex with the table inside the home.

Price faces four counts of public indecency. He is free on a $20,000 bond.

that's right..i wouldnt do it cause wee don't have a picnic table :(
Aw man! Dammit I was gonna do it tonight. Guess I'll go with the dining table.
I got to try this out.
what the picnic table isn't pressing rape charges?

interesting she must be scared for her life
sounds kinky.. I'm gonna try it. looks like my table's ready, she's already on all fours :)
nicodemus82 Wrote:sounds kinky.. I'm gonna try it. looks like my table's ready, she's already on all fours :)

[Image: chaisesex.jpg]
furniture hershey kisses
so i just have to ensure my neighbors not around rt?
^ Yeap, and make sure it's near an elementary school.
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