Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [TooT] Downgrade your PSP to a DS
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1st backup your PSP data
[Image: dsc00136rh3.jpg]
2nd Slowly insert your psp into your magic sack from china
[Image: dsc00137tw9.jpg]
2nd slide psp into magic sack
[Image: dsc00138jp9.jpg]
3rd let rest for a moment while the downgrader does its work
4th remove downgraded unit from magic sack
[Image: dsc00140fd6.jpg]
5th  open newgraded ds and verify working
[Image: dsc00141ei1.jpg]
6th profit
[Image: dsc00142kh7.jpg]
ah man I have a black piano slim does this work the same way?
Huh? You can has DS from that? Magic sack? WHERE? HOW YOU BUY???
i always boot my DS from my psp ms

i thought everyone did it this way
NO! I wana DSP!
* SchmilK pissed cause no nand backup and now i can't make more themes for the psp cause i only have a ds now :(
SchmilK Wrote:* SchmilK pissed cause no nand backup and now i can't make more themes for the psp cause i only have a ds now :(

good wee need a shiDSer anyway.
woot it worked

[Image: f_01042008137m_53f6be6.jpg]
and i got the limited editon zelda ds only sold in the US
[Image: f_01042008138m_d443f69.jpg]
wootwoot squee!  you must have gotten the more expansion sack!
Damn I fudgeed it up.

I got a semi downgrade :(

[Image: ps2p8ap0sk.jpg]
Pages: 1 2
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