Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW 31 -- Advertisement
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Congrats to diego for winning last week's competition with 6 votes!!!

As for this weeks competition, The theme will be to make an advertisement,

the contestants must advertise anything in the sigs, even things that aren't real...

however, it must have the average sig dimensions... Big sigs/LP are discouraged...

so, now that its explained, GO FOR IT!!

Before shady starts arguing:P, we had this theme more than 2 weeks ago, but since the week 29 was tigerfan's idea and the 30th was freestyle, we didn't get to use it
awesome I'll think up of something cool
YAY back up :P
wow, just 3 replies in the 2 days this thread has been open

that is a record low!
It's probably because of the PSP-Hacks thing lol
*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:O.O


or maybe cause this theme is soooo close to another threads theme,

but it is only tuesday, give it time kai

"if you build it they will come"
ill be promoting dreamarts.
Entry post.

[Image: trucopy.png]


I wanted a simple ad/

Pardon me from this double post but am I the only one who is entering????

double you tee eff???
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