Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
lol I'll enter aswell in a minute...


[Image: sotw31jj4.png]

ill have something up by tomorrow ... but most like tonight
:( I'm not gonna be able to enter...... not enough time.....
working with something ATM...

Edit: Since you can promote ANYTHING, that includes ourselves, there here it is:
[Image: adsigcopy.png]


Warning: Around 10 hours left to enter

Im kinda dissapointed at the few entries that made it until now, this is literally a record low!
Kaiser Wrote:
Warning: Around 10 hours left to enter

Im kinda dissapointed at the few entries that made it until now, this is literally a record low!

It's alright. Hopefully next week wee will have something better.
who's been unsticking the thread?

This has been getting unstickied?

I will take a watch now so I can resticky if ever it happens again.
it wasn't me.

if it was me it was a accident, like last time..
Pages: 1 2 3
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