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How do I make a .php image like the top ep logo , I want one for my blog.
Thanks in advance homies
Yeah I kinda want to know that too :P lol

I know that Kaiser and Chaoticgamer have it....
I don't get it.. Isn't it a GIF .
Could someone make me one please using the 2 images attached  , I don't have a server so I can't make one
It isn't a PHP Image... its a Random Image Generator PHP Script using different Images.

You can generate scripts with services found around the net - google it.
Im a noooooooooob , I don't know how to work the internets T_T
Its like senseito said its a php random image generator. look it up on google

 * Name your images 1.jpg, 2.jpg etc.
 * Add this line to your page where you want the images to 
 * appear: <?php include "randomimage.php"; ?>

// Change this to the total number of images in the folder
$total = "11";

// Change to the type of files to use eg. .jpg or .gif
$file_type = ".jpg";

// Change to the location of the folder containing the images
$image_folder = "images/random";

// You do not need to edit below this line

$start = "1";
$random = mt_rand($start, $total);
$image_name = $random . $file_type;
echo "<img src=\"$image_folder/$image_name\" alt=\"$image_name\" />";


I can't do this because its not my server it's some gay blog site
This is the one I used for random sigs a while ago: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=638
(just edited it to add in something which I feel should be there)

The EP one is different, as it selects pictures based on time.  Also, it's "internal" - ie doesn't link to a PHP script (and allows caching and runs faster).

If you don't have your own server, then you can't use PHP scripts.  A random Javascript image generator might be better - but then, you'd have to be able to put your own Javascript code in.
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