Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New toy, new vector.
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I got a new tablet today, so I wanted to test it out.

It's not done yet. The stock had brown eyes and hair, so some of the highlights are off.

[Image: vec2ya1.png]
Nice work. I am gonna order a tablet withing the next couple of days.

I still wish I could vector.
Looks good, xero. Although the fingernails look creepy.
that looks fantastic! nice job.
Nice, looks great.
Thank you all, and I'll fix the small stuff later. Just wanted the flaws pointed out, looking at the same image for hours tends to distort your point of view.
looking very nice xero1

xero1 Wrote:Thank you all, and I'll fix the small stuff later. Just wanted the flaws pointed out, looking at the same image for hours tends to distort your point of view.

Yea that happens very often on my part, I mean 5 minutes after I finish a Signature, I try to make it better but end up making it worse - damn myself! >_O
WAAA warning new vector person ^^

awsomeness. Desu~
Wow that looks nice!!! :D

Keep it up xero1!!!!!
awwwww, tablets are cheap!!!! :(

just kidding :P, good job xero i think the vectoring buisness very well suits you

very good job, ive always been wanting to get a tablet but i might have to save up for such a computer :P

ive got to say again that it is a very good job, and i think it also takes skill for tablet too ;)
Pages: 1 2
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