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Currently i am updating Mario theme to 3.90m33.

I need a little help,.. bassicly i need someone who can tell me wich 6 Mario games are best in historical order,..

So i need say: the first mario game // best mario // another best Mario // another best Mario // another best Mario // and say Mario Galaxy,. thought mario galaxy is the latest mario game!?

then i be able to find piture's of these 6 Mario games and make a slideshow for my theme,.. Settings>>System Settings >> (about sony PSP) but then i will be "about Mario"

Thanks for any help!!
super mario bros
super mario world 1,3,4
super mario 64
mario kart
super mario galaxy

maybe even super mario sunshine also (i liked it)
Don't forget there was Mario Kart 64. Then Mario kard on the GC, and Super Mario Sunshine on the GC.
Mario RPG needs to be in there somewhere -.-

I, personally, think. Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario Galaxy (though I didn't like it as much as any of the other Mario games).
Thanks!! great help!! i go with squee's list!! because "super mario 64" is the only Mario i played sofar,. wich i played on Daedalus,..
Super Mario Kart was on the n64 too!?

well beware of Ultimate Mario 3.90m33 theme soon!! ;p

super mario bros
super mario world 1,3,4
super mario 64
mario kart
super mario galaxy

i need 1 more Mario game shall i add RPG or Bross 3!? and whot is the correct historicol order then!?
add bros 3

and the correct order is

super mario bros
super mario world 1
super mario world 3
super mario world 4
super mario 64
mario kart 64
super mario galaxy
squee666 Wrote:add bros 3

and the correct order is

super mario bros
super mario world 1
super mario world 3
super mario world 4
super mario 64
mario kart 64
super mario galaxy

What about Mario kart on the GC?
And Super Mario Sunshine.
diego Wrote:
squee666 Wrote:add bros 3

and the correct order is

super mario bros
super mario world 1
super mario world 3
super mario world 4
super mario 64
mario kart 64
super mario galaxy

What about Mario kart on the GC?
And Super Mario Sunshine.

He was mentioning only the best Mario games.  Which is exactly why double dash and sunshine aren't on it.  Though, RPG should be in there somewhere... what a great game.
Paper Mario?

New Mario Brothers?
Wolf Wrote:Paper Mario?

New Mario Brothers?

Both were great games, but it is up to Veg.
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