Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSPtube is funny!
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so i was watching shakugan no shana on my psp one day and my internet was acting up, so it was streaming pretty slow so i decided to make the video go slower by making it 0.5 speed on psp tube

and i just burst out laughing at the intro movie, just hilarious

maybe im retarded and things being slowed down is just hilarious but you really have to try it

believe me a lol'ed so hard when i did it in the intro of shakugan no shana XD

and what hell is the point to this thread? i dunno just wanting to say because this is very funny to do

i think its probably funny because japanese singers are high pitched so its just funny when they sound different lol
peoples voices scare me when i change it that speed hhhheeeeeeelllllllllooooooo wwwweeeelllllccccccooommmeeee ttttttooooo ttttttthhhhheeeee ssssshhhhhhhooooooowwwww *in creepy slowed down voice
I like doing that too. Anytime you hear people shouting or screaming when its slowed down makes things hilarious.
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