Endless Paradigm

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Hey I've been surfing the web for a long time now and I wanted to start making my own website but I need help learning HTML codes so I can make my own site. I've tried those website builders and I want to make a website that's totally original and mine, not some crappy pre-made site where all you can do is add pics and text. Can someone please help me out.

Everything you need right there. It's the most friendly as it is meant for little girls.

Seriously, take a look.
lol i learned most of my HTML from google and just looking at page source codes!!!
then again my site sucks donkey so dnt listen 2 me hahaha
J'adore le paissons Wrote:lol i learned most of my HTML from google and just looking at page source codes!!!
then again my site sucks donkey so dnt listen 2 me hahaha

I learned at age 9 from a book.
Yet I still can't remember most of it.
Well first you want to start with an html tag <html>
then you'll want to add a title <title>TITLE GOES HERE</title>
then you will need the body wich holds of most the nuggets of html goodness <body>TEXT AND SUCH GOES HERE HOW BORING
Then you want some cool fonts like <font color=red>THIS IS RED</font> and <font color="blue">THIS IS BLUE</font>
you can also use some of these to add new lines depending on how certain browsers read things <br><br><br>
then you want to close the body </body>
then you want to close the html</html>

so its like
<body><h1>This is the super awesome page</h1><br>
Why? I have no f-ing idea!<br>
<font color="red">THIS IS RED!! GRRR IM ANGRY!!!!</font><br>
<font color="blue">This is blue...Im so depressed</font></body>

After that your also going to need a host (or you can host it yourselve but that's getting into the complicated area). I use tripod just because they allow you to use your own html pages but you might want to check if any of the hosts you allready have can do it too.

There are thousands of other things (not to mention Css, java, javascript, php, and other languages) but to list them all would be nearly for a robot of my processing power. So start with that and if you need help or want to know something specific just ask me. I'm good for Html Css and a little javascript. I'll be more than happy to help out.
OMG by the way.... googlepages isn't as good a host as youd think... big letdown from google i feel :(
bbCode is closely modeled off HTML, so if you understand bbCode, HTML is very similar in the way it works.

lol @ diego's website :P
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:bbCode is closely modeled off HTML, so if you understand bbCode, HTML is very similar in the way it works.

lol @ diego's website :P

I give that site to all my cousins that need help in computer class because they ask each student to make a website.

It is a wonderful site :D
why not try dreamweaver. you don't have to code but you can dooo so much with it. and you can embed your .sfw files simply by dragging and dropping.

yeah dreamweaver is good for newbies :D

but sometimes the codes can get quite messy  ... :D
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