Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Why did you join EP?
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Cause I like dem Zinger burgers.
i joined here cause a person named michaelp directed me here and then i got hooked
i joined because i followed zingas random changing sig on maxconsole
Came here looking for themes...
They said they would give me back my puppy if I signed up.
To download the vshmain editor (the name at that time), I stood on the sidelines for a long time, and noticed that the people seemed cool, so did the site, and then I got sucked in by some unknowing force. Blur
that's, how this is why
OBVIOUSLY completely different :P
YoYoBallz Wrote:http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=8298

" Why did you join EP?"

"the how did you come to E.P thread"

But, yeah.... :D


roberth Wrote:that's, how this is why
OBVIOUSLY completely different :P

I fail yet again Sadist
I wanted the cookie
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