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Full Version: [Review] Higurashi no Koro Naku ni (Kai)
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Review: Higurashi no Koro Naku ni (Kai)
This Review will not spoil the Anime Experience!

The whole story is played in June, 1983 in a village called Hinamizawa. This village with a population of about 2000 gets to befriend Keiichi Maebara, who just moved there to get away from the City. He goes on to become best friends with fellow classmates Rena Ryuugu, Mion Sonozaki, Rika Furude, and Satoko Hojo. Keiichi joins their after-school Games Club which usually involve embarrassing consequences for the loser [usually him]. The whole village, at about that point, was peaceful... until the yearly Watanagashi Festival, to thank their local god [Oyashiro-sama/The Shrine God] and wash away the dirt from their consciousness. Then, the peace ends, as, once again, like years before this one, the Shrine Gods Curse makes one person die... and another disappear.

[Image: Higurashi_main_characters.jpg]
The main characters (from left to right):
Top row: Mion, Shion, Keiichi, and Rena;
Bottom row: Satoko, Hanyƫ, and Rika.

The Anime goes through a series of Story Arcs involving one of the main characters suffering from acute paranoia, and an incident occurs which usually involved one of his/her friends.

Why this is happening will remain a mystery, but the story will, bit by bit, begin to uncover the truth behind what is happening.

Alright, I have to admit, I was extremely puzzled while watching the Anime for the first 2 Story Arcs or so. While watching it, if you are are relatively normal person, may make you feeling like you should look away, but you know you should watch it, and this is the brilliant part, your engaged right into it, you want to know what's going on and you want to put the puzzle together.

As things progress in the first season, you eventually end it to an almost state of despair after a purely enthrawlling ride, and suprising outcome of the Final Arc - however if you're reading this, you will know of the Second Season, which you SHOULD have ready to watch soon after, because if you were as drawn into the story as as I was, you want to fill in the gaps and know who is doing what and why.

This following Season, without giving too much away, is true to its name - Solutions - to find a way out.
I was blown away by the sharpness of the story, from the moment it grabs you by the neck, it won't let go until the end.
Yes, I found that this Season done what a Sequal should in surpassing it in most technical aspects of an Anime, the story however just as good as the previous Season, which was faultless.

Something that gets a lot of people down is a fantastic Anime with a bad ending, not quite being what you wanted it to be.
This isn't the case here, however, it is one of the finest endings I could of possibly imagined, not that was possible, because it goes beyond what you could think and it goes on keeping its constantly interesting level right through to the end.

Not forgetting the completely iconic characters in the village, every single one of them are interesting and you won't find any weak spots in the characters stories or link ups in the Animes story.

I will repeat myself - the Animes strongest aspect is its writing, the story is truely fantastic in every aspect, from beginning to end.

One of the things it was famed for was the scenes which caused it to get delayed/cancelled when Airing in Japan, Kai is definately not as bad as its predecessor in terms of "OH SHI- double you tee eff!?" scenes.. and just for the record, the fact the first season has such scenes is part of the story, you can't take that away from it, it isn't going over the top, its being true to itself, the story.. and will make you feel sad for the characters involved.. but you just have to keep watching because you know you will.

The progressivity of the Psychological aspect of the characters is outstanding too, very realistic for what is happening to them at the time, the ones being affected by the Acute Paranoia and those getting the bad end of it.

Watching this magnificent Story unfold is terrifyingly brilliant, because of how hard it is on those in the village, and this is exactly how it grabs you and will make you want to know everything, but unveiling only so much bit by bit, along with its memorably bloody and painful scenes that will most likely make you quickly look away before looking back realizing this IS the story in motion, its truely engaging mysteries, the clever psychological combat, important and interesting ideologies as well as some laughs and satire.. you won't forget about this one, for a long, long time.

Too good to be true? Well almost - sometimes the voice acting can be a bit off for the moment and the Animation isn't spectacular, but is more than good enough for the story [compared to Elfen Lied or Kanons animation quality] but it is still very good. The story makes up for these [very] small faults. Also, for the story, its length is perfect for the kind of story it is.

[Technical Points]
Animation: 8/10
Voice Acting: 9/10
Story: 10/10

~ Rating ~

10 - Superb

You won't find many Anime quite like this!

[Its not over...]
That's right, its not over, a Third Season has been confirmed and is in production - apparently landing in 2008 as well.

I don't know what's going to happen, but maybe its to do with the future, even though it seems, by the end of Kai, it should be all over........ but if it can get a story going to pick up whatever's left, and make it as good as the First and Second Seasons, it would be remarkable.

I'm excited and really looking forward to seeing Keiichi Maebara, master of words, Rena Ryuugu, the one to always top it off, Mion Sonozaki, the Master and Club Leader, Satoko Hojo the Trap Master, and the special girls Rika Furude and Hanyuu Furude once again this year.


Thanks for reading my review, I hope you enjoyed reading it, its my first time doing a full proper(ish) review and I hope I've managed to get through to you how enjoyable this Anime is.

Comments welcome! [Those who have seen both seasons, I'd like to hear if I've done a good job ^_^]

Thanks again,
Senseito Sakura
Wow Sensei, that's a great review! The Layout is perfect and the content makes you interested in the Anime without giving away the story too much, awesome mix! I might watch it^^
SkyDX Wrote:Wow Sensei, that's a great review! The Layout is perfect and the content makes you interested in the Anime without giving away the story too much, awesome mix! I might watch it^^

Thanks Sky.

I was worried I didn't give enough to look forward too, like more details..
Sensei, I'm gonna start watching this naow!!!!
and me, your review has sold me on this

Aweosme layout, i never realised there were float tags to do that
Very thorough review. I might start watching anime again...
MehHakker Wrote:Sensei, I'm gonna start watching this naow!!!!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
i havent been watching anime for awhile but if you recommend this one ill give it a go.
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