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I just copied and pasted. So, nonexistant people will exist when you read this guide.

Quote:3/30/08 - 3.90 M33-3 released. Changes are simple:


- March33 noumd driver compatibiilty has increased to support games like Coded Arms, Patapon, Harvest Moon Innocent Life and probably others affected by same errors.

Also, DCv5 released.

Current Version = 3.90 M33-3

Table Of Contents



What is this M33 firmware?

M33 firmware are custom firmware developed by Dark_Alex. However, since 3.51 M33, Dark_Alex has worked with many under a group called Team M33. Their first firmware was 3.51 M33, and it has given revolution to users and their PSP consoles. Ever since 3.51 M33, firmware has been developed for major firmware releases. (3.52 M33, 3.60 M33, 3.71 M33, 3.80 M33, 3.90 M33, and soon to be 4.00 M33) M33's custom firmware combines the joy of Sony's official firmware along with bonuses such as in-built ISO loaders, UMD ripping, but most importantly - homebrew!

How do I get M33 firmware on my PSP? - (Slim users on OFW 3.60 can go to B or C. Slims 3.71 or higher will have to go for C.)

II.Installation [IM33B]

Note:You will need the Sony update Eboots to install any custom firmware. Get them 'here'

A. To get on M33 firmware, you must be currently on either 1.50, 2.71, any OE/SE/LE firmwares, or previous M33 firmwares. If you aren't on these firmwares, you must downgrade/upgrade to any of these firmwares. That is another story. If you need help, SEARCH!!

Note:If you are installing any firmware past 3.60 M33 you MUST UPGRADE first to 3.52 M33, and then 3.52 M33-3 to be allowed to upgrade. The only way to bypass this is to use Despertar Cementerio which requires a Pandora battery. (There is no Pandora-style install for 3.90 M33 yet.) Also, you must run the installer under whatever 3.xx kernel or you will brick.

Now installing M33 firmware is another story. It is easy if you know what you're doing. Thanks to Calo, you can give yourself, and the rest of us some peace. Download his easy installers for 3.52 M33 (Phat Only), and install it onto that mobo of yours. If you are on 2.71, you will need an unpatched GTA:LCS UMD to run HEN-D.


3.52 M33 Update 4

Read the 'readme.txt' in each of these archives. It has clear-cut instructions on how to get the 3.52 M33 Installer on your PSP.

B. 3.60 M33 for Slim users

Unfortunately, 3.52 M33 isn't for Slim users. (As 3.52 was released a long long time before 3.60) The good thing is that with the help of Dark_Alex, Team M33, and a whole bunch of other hackers, you CAN get custom firmware on a Slim. Now, if you have a Phat, or Slim PSP with custom firmware already on it, you can easily make the 3.60 M33 installer for Slims. Better yet, you don't have to run out and spend money on extra stuff. However, if you are the unlucky few who don't have access to these tools, there's still hope.

3.60 M33 requires a Pandora Battery, and a modified Magic Stick that has M33 files instead of the 1.50 files. Spartan117 has written an useful guide to getting 3.60 M33 on a Slim.


C. 3.71 M33 for Phat and Slim users (Phats/Slims - C1, "Virgin" Slims - C2)

C1. [b]Since 3.60 was another major attempt by Sony to make users upgrade to obtain the latest features, the hackers had to think fast before it spread like a deadly germ. So, why not counter. The grand daddy of custom firmwares - Dark_Alex came out of the dark, (besides Pandora) and joined Team M33, and developed 3.71 M33 and released into the scenes. Now 3.71 M33 is available for both Phats and Slims, and there's more than 1 method. 3.71 M33 can only be installed ON 3.52 M33-3 or 3.52 M33-4 users. If you are anywhere else, you need 3.52 M33-3/4 or you're stuck wherever you decide to give up at. Obtain the easy installer from Calo, and run it.

Click Here

Once you run the update, 3.71 M33 will be installed from Sony's official updater, so no scare if you see it pop up. Any problems with your PSP (keys) will be fixed before the update starts. Once it starts, it will update. After it updates, you must press X to reboot or you will brick the PSP.

C2. If you are on OFW 3.71, you can't use the 3.60 M33 installation method as it will do nothing. However,  Dark_Alex, (again) came up with the next brilliant idea. Releasing another unbricker called Despertar del Cementerio, which installs 3.71 or 3.80 M33 right on the spot. To do it this method, you will need to have access to a Pandora Battery, and a previous Magic Stick. The file you need is below.


C3. Make a Pandora Battery and Despertar Cementerio v4 to install 3.80 M33-5. You will have to install it in the same way as you would with DCv3. However, instead of using the 3.71 update, you will use the 3.80 update.


Tip:In case you need to install 3.80 M33 or 3.90 M33, and you're in a hurry, download my easy installers.

3.90 M33 (and 3.90 M33-2) Installer


3.80 M33-5 Installer


3.80 M33 Installer


The actual User Guide

Now, that wee got that out of the way, wee can focus more on the guide. If you're a new user to M33 firmwares, there's a spoon load of stuff that you need to get used to before you start using it.

A.You have tools that can brick your PSP. Like I heard it, render it useless.
B.You have full control over your PSP now.
C.If you have a warranty with Sony, its screwed now.

After you get past this, it's time.

I. Recovery Menu [RM33A]
II. Vsh Menu [RM33B]
III. UMD Ripping [RM33C]
IV. Homebrew [RM33D]
V. Other Junk [RM33E]

       Updates [UM33A]
       PopsLoader [UM33B]
       ISO Playing Tips [UM33C]
       Overclocking [UM33D]
       Recovery [UM33E]
       Recovery/Slims [UM33Ea]
       Error Codes [DADADA]

Spoiler for Recovery Menu:

With every custom firmware, there is a recovery menu for easy access to settings, and recovery to 1.50 (Phat PSP) To boot into recovery, you will have to be on a boot. Shut down your PSP completely. (No sleep mode) Now, hold R and power on your PSP. The PSP will boot, but into something called the 'M33 Recovery Menu' This is not the XMB. Once in Recovery, you have access to these options. Here's the layout.

[Image: M33_recovery_menu.jpg]

Quote:Toogle USB - Toogle USB for memory stick
Configuration »
         -Skip Sony Logo - Skip the boot up sequence. (Boots directly to XMB)
         -Hide corrupt icons - Hide corrupted icons as a result of 1.50 homebrew
         -Game folder homebrew  - Kernel for games. (3.XX kernel or 1.50 kernel)
         -Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP - Autorun whatever eboot is at the path.
         -UMD Mode - How ISOs are loaded. Which loader to use.
         -Fake region - Fake your PSP's region. Does not affect configuration for updates, etc.
         -Free UMD Region - Free UMD Region. Allows you to play any UMD from anywhere.
         -Hard reset on homebrew -
         -Use VshMenu - Use the Vshmenu on the XMB
         -XMB USB Device - Which device the USB Connection on the XMB is linked to.
         -Charge battery when USB cable plugged <Slims Only> - Charge battery when USB is connected and computer is on.
         -Use M33 network update <3.80 M33 onwards> - Instead of the Network Update checking for updates for Sony updates, it will check for updates to M33 firmwares. An added bonus is that it will do all the updating for you ;)
         -Hide PIC0.PNG and PIC1.PNG in game menu <3.80 M33-5 onwards> - Hides the background, and thumbnail icon/information image in the game menu. This is done to speed up loading in the XMB under GAME>MemoryStick. This does not affect UMDs.

Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVER/EBOOT.PBP - Run Eboot.PBP at path
       Advanced Configuration »
                -Plain modules in UMD/ISO - Plugins designed for games work in UMD or ISOs
                -Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO - A developer feature
       Toogle USB <flash0> - USB Connection to flash0
       Toogle USB <flash1>     "         "            " flash1
         "          "   <flash2>       "        "           " flash2
         "          "   <flash3>        "        "          " flash3
        Format flash1 and reset settings - Formats flash1 - Reset settings.
CPU Speed »
        -Speed in XMB - CPU Speed in the XMB
        -Speed in UMD/ISO - CPU Speed in games (UMDs) or ISOs.
Plugins »  - Shows plugins, where they are assigned, and whether or not they're disabled or enabled.
Registry Hacks »
        -Button assign - Changes the button config from everywhere else to Japan or vice versa.
        -Activate WMA  - Activate WMA Play
        -Activate Flash Player (already activated on Slims) - Activate Flash Player
Exit - Exits recovery and reboots
Spoiler for vshMenu:

The vshMenu is a skimmed down version of recovery for quick editing of some settings without having to reboot. On pre 3.60 M33 firmwares, this menu is bought up by pressing HOME in the XMB. On 3.71 M33, its bought up by SELECT. Whatever setting you change here, the following setting will correspond in recovery. When you get it up, it should look similar to this:

[Image: snap000-1.jpg]

How this works:

Quote:M33 vsh Menu [RM33B]

CPU Clock XMB  - The CPU/BUS speeds. The higher the faster. The default is 222/111 while the max is 333/166.

CPU Clock GAME - The CPU/BUS speeds in UMDs and ISOs.
USB Device - The device that you can access via the USB Connection.
UMD ISO Mode - The ISO Mode for ISOs.
ISO Video Mount - Which video ISO to mount for play.
Reset  Device - This is on 3.71 M33 onwards. Reset devices
Exit - Get rid of the menu. Hotkey=HOME/SELECT
Spoiler for UMD Ripping:

With all M33 firmwares, you can rip UMDs right from the XMB via USB. This is extremely simple. While on the XMB, bring up the vshMenu, and go down to XMB USB Device, press right until it says 'UMD Disc'. Exit. Now, pop in a disc. Anyone. Once it loads, go to USB Connection, and wait for the computer to recognize it. Once it does, the device name of the UMD, not the memory stick, will appear. You will see one Iso file called 'UMD9600' or 'UMD9660.iso'. Drag and drop (or copy and paste) the file to where you need to be. This process takes a long, long time since it's being read from the disc.
Spoiler for Homebrew:

Homebrew gets complicated in the newer M33 firmwares. On 3.52 M33, any homebrew specifically made for the 3.xx or 1.50 kernels will load as long as you change the game folder (in recovery) between 3.52 kernel, and 1.50 kernel.

On 3.60 M33, there is no 1.50 kernel support. That means homebrew made specifically for the 3.xx kernel will work. However, you can get some 1.50 homebrew to work via the use of Noobz's  eloader.

On 3.71 M33, you can get all homebrew to work on a Phat as long as you install the 1.50 kernel addon. On Slims, you're still restricted like on 3.60 M33, and you can still use the eLoader. You can go experimental, and try to install the 1.50 kernel on the Slim, but who knows what will happen. Dark_Alex is working on 1.50 kernel support on the Slim.

Also, for Slims, you can run some 1.50 homebrew by booting into the 1.50 firmware using Dark_Alex's TimeMachine.
Other Stuff

Spoiler for Updates:

Note: You must run all updates under the 3.xx kernel regardless.

Updates are released for the M33 firmwares on a regular basis to fix bugs and add some new features, and improve some old ones. 3.52 M33 latest/last update is update 4 (3.52 M33-4),  3.71 M33's latest/last is update 4. (3.71 M33-4), 3.80 M33's latest update is update 5. (3.80 M33-5), and 3.90 M33 is update 2. (3.90 M33-3) The higher the (-X), the later/newer the update. The lower, the outdated. While updating, you don't need to perform updates in between your version, and the update version. The latest update will install previous updates. (-4 will install -3, ; -3 will install -2 and so forth). Update 4 for 3.52 M33 goes to X:/PSP/GAME150. Updates for 3.71 M33+ goes to /PSP/GAME. Also, while updating from 3.80 M33 to 3.90 M33, you can upgrade straight to 3.90 M33+.

On 3.80 M33 onwards, there is a new update feature that works through Network Update. However, this option must be set in recovery. Boot into recovery, and it is under Configuration. This option is enabled by default. Currently, to test this, just run Network Update and you should get a new update that should be 1 or 2MB. This so far is 3.90 M33+. Haha. Stay tuned for more updates. Of course, if you don't have access to Network Update, you can download the update, and move the update folder to X:/PSP/GAME, and run it.. Also, when installing new firmwares, you can automatically download the update via Wifi.

Dark_Alex Wrote:- Network update from dark-alex.org page. By default is enabled.
  You can turn it off in recovery (when off, network update will download sony updates as usual).
When it's time to upgrade to a new custom firmware, you will have to follow the readme. These updates will take longer than usual since you're rebuilding the whole firmware. However, in the end if you follow everything correctly, you will end up on custom firmware still. (Stick to the M33 updates) :p

On 3.80 M33 onwards, you can do a complete install of the next newest M33 firmware completely over Wifi. The Network Update will download the M33 files, and the installer will download the Sony update. Try it for yourself. Go from 3.80 M33 > 3.90 M33.

The 3.80 M33 Network Update will only check to updates to the firmware itself. Things not checked are the 1.50 kernel addon status, POPS, etc. But, that can spark some ideas. (You know, the update checks your install of 1.50 kernel addon/POPS, compares them against to the latest updates, and asks if you to download them to your MS.. :p But, so many bugs and flaws wee can easily point out..)

3.90 M33 Update - http://forums.exophase.com/showthread.php?t=6395
3.80 M33 Update - http://dax.st/380m33update5.rar
3.71 M33 Update - http://exophase.com/files/psp/m33update4.zip
3.52 M33 Update - http://exophase.com/files/psp/M33-1234.zip

Note:Using Network Update on 3.71 M33 or below DOES NOT check for custom firmware updates. Do not use it. Some themes have the 'update_plugin.prx' file made so it can reboot/shutdown your PSP instead of updating. This is to stop you from accidentally upgrading to official firmware. Remember, update to official firmware, you LOSE custom firmware.
Spoiler for Popsloader:

Ok. What the hell is POPS? Well, POPS is a plugin included in M33 firmwares that allows emulation of PSX games at full speed. On top of that, it's allows you to use the earlier versions of POPS.  It's a nice substitute to Sony's loader because it allows you to cheat PSX games, among other things.

Quote:Extract the download. Within the 'seplugins' folder you should see a 'popsloader' folder, 'pops.txt' and 'popsloader.prx'. If you have plugins already installed, move the 'popsloader' folder, and 'popsloader.prx' to X:/seplugins. This will add/overwrite the old files. If you have an earlier version of pops, there is no reason to move the 'pops.txt' file. If not, move it over.

If you have no plugins installed or don't even have a 'seplugins' folder on root, create one, and move all 3 files mentioned above to X:/seplugins.

As always, enable in recovery.
In order to use pops, you will have to do some PSAR dumping, and some file transferring.

Quote:1)First, download a PSARDUMPER. (Doesn't matter, M33 or _HellDashX_) Extract to X:/PSP/GAME371. (X:/PSP/GAME352, X:/PSP/GAME380, etc.

2)Decide which version of POPS you want to use. There are specific files that you need to get from the dump. Refer to the guide at the end of the quote for the specifics.
3)Whatever version of POPS you want to use, download the corresponding UPDATE. For example, if I wanted to use 3.40 POPS, I would download the 3.40 UPDATE.
4)Extract the UPDATE and move it to the root of your MS. Leave it named as 'EBOOT.PBP'.
5)Disable USB Mode. On the PSP, go to GAME>MemoryStick. Launch the PSARDUMPER.
6)When it boots, you will need to decrypt all the files so press [] and leave it to do its work.
7)It will be done when it is done, and it will boot you back to the XMB.
8)Enable USB Mode. Look on the root of your MS. Look for the 'F0' folder. (It's there)
9)Find the files you need for your version of POPS and cut and copy them to X:/seplugins/popsloader.
9b)Put the pops version after the filename. For example, all of the 3.40 files, will get a 340 at the end of the filename, NOT THE EXTENSION. (popsman340.prx, pops340.prx, pafmini340.prx, libpspvmc340.prx)

10)Confirm that pops work. When it does, you can exit, and delete the UPDATE eboot, and the 'F0' folder.
11)Now, reboot your PSP and activate pops from recovery.
Enjoy your games
blackrave/DCEmu.co.uk Wrote:List of files needed for each version:

3.00-3.03: kd/popsman.prx, kd/meaudio.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.10-3.30: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.40-3.72: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx, vsh/module/libpspvmc.prx

For example; for 3.72 pops to load, you must get the files mentioned for 3.72 above and rename them to popsman372.prx, pops372.prx, etc. Repeat for all wanted firmwares.
Note:There are two different versions of POPS for the M33 firmware. On 3.71 m33, it is included with the 3.71 M33-4 update, and the one for 3.80 M33 included with the 3.80 M33-3/4 update. However, if you need them separately, here they are...

3.71 M33 POPS
3.71 M33 POPS Bugfix
3.80 M33 POPS
3.80 POPS Bugfix

Also, if you are going to use POPS on 3.80 M33, you MUST upgrade to 3.80 M33-4.

Tips from bcman:

Useful ps1 info links.
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=63658 Tutorial~: How to rip your own psx games then use them on your psp!
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=60371 Simple Popstation GUI v3.00 beta
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=59576 Official Popstation Compatibility Thread
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=72066 Eboot Packs for Zingaburga's Popstation Gui
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=96182 How to convert ISOs and PSX games using PrometeusPro 4 Dummies
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=66655 How To Extract A PSX CD Which Contains Errors/Bad Sectors
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=73093 [TUTORIAL][POPS]Swapping Discs, Import/Export Saves, FAQS
http://www.gamerspress.com/index.php?tit...ility_List  Popstation Compatibility Thread
Spoiler for Plugins:

Plugins are different .prx files that adds functionality to the custom firmware or are separate apps/tools that you can use.

Dark_Alex Wrote:- Improvements in plugins loading code:

  * Fixed some problems with problematic cards due to filesystem not mounted.
  * Now plugins should read the faster.
  * Problem fixed with lines with spaces at the end.
Dark_Alex Wrote:Comments:

In 3.80 sony has changed (again) kernel nids. The nids resolver will resolve a lot of nids from firmwares 1.50-3.60
(traditional nids) to the ones of 3.80 kernel.
In general, 3.71 nids will NOT be resolved to 3.80 ones. However, to compatibilize 3.80 M33 with prx's programmed for 3.71,
a few very 3.71 nids that were found in some 3.71 plugins will be resolved too.
More info about what is resolved in nidsresolver_status.txt.

Thanks to the combination of the nids resolver and the user libraries possibility in kernel mode added back in 3.71 M33-3,
some programs that stopped working in 3.30 M33 may work again now. One of them is PimpStreamer 0.90.
Spoiler for ISO Playing Tips:

Game and video ISOs are playable on M33 firmwares as long as you set it up for play. You can do this by going to the XMB and bringing up the vshMenu. Go down to UMD ISO Mode, and scroll right to 'Sony NP9660'. (The best) Sony actually did something right in a while. If you want to not use a loader, change the setting to UMD Required, and pop in a UMD to load the ISO. (Or it fails to load) Here are some tips from bcman on ISOs.

To play video iso's, copy iso into ms0:\iso\video\ then, goto vsh menu from xmb by pressing "home" button for 3.52M33 and "select" for 3.71M33.
Scroll down to "iso video mount" and mount iso, exit vsh menu and goto game>memstick and run movie...(helps to have umd in)

A few reminders for playing iso/cso games:
-You must have Custom Firmware or 1.5(using dev-hook) on ur psp
-Make sure gamename is less than 20 characters
-Iso/cso files go in ISO folder(eg.       ms0:\ISO\wipeout.iso    )
-U must have a folder called "game" in psp folder (ms0:\psp\game) make one if u must or format memcard with psp to create folder structure...
-make sure u have set iso loader/umd mode to sony np9660,
-To play ps1 games, take the folder that has the ps1 eboot in it and copy that folder to GAME folder (ms0:\psp\game) (eg. ms0:\psp\game\starcraft\eboot.pbp)(custom firmware only)
Help Thread for ISOs : http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopi...=70902&p=1
Where to Get ISOs : Errm?? Burning
Spoiler for CPU and BUS Overclocking:

It is ok to overclock your PSP to anything you want to. Just remember this in mind, the higher you set it at, the more you demand from the battery, and the faster the battery runs out. Originally, PSPs were meant to run at 333mhz, but the battery power wasn't nothing compared to  the Nintendo DS' battery. So, Sony decided to underclock to 222mhz. Personally, I keep my PSP overclock at 266mhz, in the XMB, and 300mhz in games.

Warning:If you are going to overclock to 333mhz, whether in the XMB or in game, make sure that you give your Wifi card a break every now and then. The stock Wifi card is only meant for a max speed of 300mhz. Using the Wifi card excessively at 333mhz can cause it to burn out, which means it will be broke.

Recovery - The True Meanings of the menus
Spoiler for Pre 3.80 M33/Pandora:
On 3.52 M33 firmwares, there is recovery files (I believe) to go back to 1.50 if you get a semi-brick. On 3.71 M33, there is none. So, let's just get some shall wee? This only works on a Phat. Not a Slim. Your recovery is actually DCv3, described below.. Download from the following: (Pick One)


Move the 'RECOVERY' folder to X:/PSP/GAME. Nothing else is required. However, sometimes this method doesn't work. (I tried it on my TA-082 and it bricked.. more :( ) Anyways, it's alive

You can also try Pandora to go back to 1.50. However, you can't make a Pandora Battery with a bricked PSP. (Bricked to the point of no 'opening_plugin.rco' working. The easy way of making Pandora, grab the UPMS Installer and move to X:/ISO. From there, it's self explanatory. (You will need the 1.50, and 3.71 EBOOTS). Here's a guide, with the download link:


Once finished with installation, shutdown PSP. From there, restart PSP and hold L. When the MS light gets active, let go. Choose the Pandora Menu [Hellcat], and it will take you to the Pandora EBM. From there, go to 'Go to Pandora Menu', and it will boot into Pandora. Press X to downgrade, and when it's done, you're back at 1.50. There is no need to replace Pandora battery with normal battery. Just shutdown by pressing X and manually reboot.

If you don't want to recover to 1.50, and install CFW, DCv3 is best for you. (Below)
Spoiler for Recovery on Slim:

There's no recovery to 1.50 on a Slim. However, you can install Despertar Cementerio and recover back to a fresh install of 3.71 or 3.80 M33. The only thing that you lose much is themes, settings, and whatever custom files you have in flash0. These methods of recovery requires a PSP battery converted to Pandora.(Hardmod; Phat or Slim)

Recovery to 3.80 M33/3.80 via DCv4

DCv4 is the universal unbricker/upgrader that allows you to install 3.80 M33-5 or OFW 3.80 right off the bat.. All rules are pretty much the same about DCv4. So read below on how to install it to your MS.

Grab the UPMS Installer, and run through it. (Skip step 2 if you have a Pandora Battery already. You can successfully convert any battery and back using the installer.)


This time, you will have to boot in a special way (for Slims) so you can get to Despertar Cementerio. On Phats, just shutdown PSP, insert UPMS and the Pandora Battery. Hold L until MS light gets active. Let go, and the Ultimate Loader should show. Go down to Launch Despertar Cementerio v3/4, and press X. From there, when DCv3 loads, press X and the process will begin. Once done, press X to shutdown PSP. (You're not done yet)

On Slims, you will have to force a folder change if Despertar Cementerio wasn't the last launched app on UPMS. If it is, just throw the UPMS and the Pandora Battery into your PSP. If not, you can switch via a Phat PSP, or do the force-change method.

Quote:1)Remove battery and power off.
2)Put PSP on hold.
3)Hold L Trigger, and insert Pandora battery.
4)When the Memory Stick Indicator begins to flash, let go of L
5)UL will switch folders to DCv3. When that happens, move the switch back to its normal spot without putting the PSP to sleep.
From there, just let DCv3 boot, (You will get a message when it is loading) and press X to install 3.71  M33-2. Now, when you're finished, you will have to format flash1 to get everything working again. To do this,

After you shutdown your PSP, take out the memory stick and the battery and boot normally with charger. Hold R while booting, and you should go to Recovery Menu. If you get there, go to Advanced, and then 'Format flash1 and reset settings', and press X. The PSP will reboot automatically. When you get to the XMB, you will get a BSOD. (On 3.71 M33, not 3.80 M33. On 3.80 M33, it will ask for settings) Press 0 to reset settings, and wait for a reboot. When it does (it will), just set your settings and you'll be done.
After all of this, just install update 4 to be on the safe side. If you want the 1.50 kernel addon (for Phats), install the kernel addon before you move up to 3.71 M33-4, as you may encounter problems installing the kernel. (It freezes for me).

Spoiler for FreePlay's Recovery:

FreePlay's recovery for Slims has been released recently. I haven't tested this out myself since I can't get my hands on a 3.60 M33 Slim, or get a firmware dump from anyone. However, this looks very promising. This form of recovery will require a Pandora Battery since it goes to Service Mode.


Read the readme. I haven't tested this one out for myself yet. You do take all risks associated with this.
Spoiler for Alternate Method to FreePlay's way:

Note: To get back on CFW, you must have a Pandora Battery, and a MS with either DCv3, or the 3.60 M33 flasher installed. If not, you're stuck on OFW. (Damn, that's a bad whammy)

The above method is similar to FreePlay's method but it doesn't install a full 3.60. (SaveData, Data Playback is missing, some things are reworked to other menus) However, it works, and I ran this twice on my Slim, and I was able to downgrade my 3.71 M33 Slim back to 3.60.

This method WILL require a Pandora Battery to work. If you DO NOT have a Pandora Battery, there is absolutely no way in which you can recover with this method. (Or either of the methods)
Once you have a PB, you will need to download this

Once it finishes downloading, extract the MS_ROOT folder to the desktop. From there, go in the MS_ROOT folder and extract those folders to the root of your MS, overwriting any previous files/folders. When that is done, convert your battery to Pandora, and reboot.

When you reboot, you WILL NOT boot to the XMB, but to Jas0nuk's nand tool. From there, go down to the second option, "Dump from NAND". This takes 67MB, and you must have that space available on your MS or it will go into corruption. This is also a precaution. There is no undo button. When your nand is dumped, it will either return to the NandTool or shutdown. If it shutdowns, reboot.

Now go to the first option 'Load ELF'. Go dwon to '360_flasher.elf', and press X. Let that load. When it does, press X to flash 3.60 onto your Slim. When it is done, take out PB, and boot. (It will take a long time to boot, and it will be verified by the MS flashing light once or twice. When it reboots, you should know the rest.

When you reboot, you can either install 3.60 M33 or 3.71 M33 via DCv3.

Spoiler for 1.50 Kernel Addon for 3.71 M33+:

Ever since 3.71 M33, DAX and M33 decided not to install the 1.50 kernel through the CFW Installer anymore. Instead, from now on, it will be offered as an optional addon for Phat users. If you wish to use 1.50 kernel homebrew, you must install this. This is simple. Extract the 'UPDATE' folder to X:/PSP/GAME, and download the 1.50 EBOOT. Rename the 1.50 EBOOT to '150.PBP' and move to the root of your MS. Execute from XMB, and press X to install. (For 3.71 M33)

1.50 kernel addon (3.71 M33) - http://calo-hacks.com/downloads/customfi...ddonv2.rar

(For 3.80 M33)Ok, I got it straight. Create a new folder on your desktop and name it anything BUT UPDATE. I have it named '150 Kernel'. Extract the 1.50 kernel addon files to the new directory you made. Now, move that directory to /PSP/GAME. Now, download the 1.50 EBOOT, and you know the rest. (Rename the 1.50 EBOOT to '150.PBP' and move to the root of your MS. Execute from XMB, and press X to install.)

1.50 kernel addon (3.80 M33)-

(For 3.90 M33)Download, and move the '150k_addon' folder to /PSP/GAME. Now, download the 1.50 EBOOT as normal, extract and rename to '150.PBP'. Move it to the root. Now, execute the installer from the XMB, and press X to install.)

1.50 kernel addon (3.90 M33)-
Spoiler for Error Codes:

From time to time, you will experience some error and those errors come with codes. Now those error codes mean something specific each time it pops up. Now, there's tons of references to these error codes. Check them out. There's a great list on QJ.net. Don't stray for too long.

See Here!

bcman Wrote:ERROR CODES:
http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=115294 search through this, it can help sometimes
http://www.cyberdine.us:8000/msgs/msg.ss...&message=7 AWESOME!!
Really Some Other Junk

Spoiler for Remote Play on 3.71 M33:

Note:If you don't really have a need to stay at 3.71 M33, at least upgrade to 3.80/3.90 M33. 3.80/3.90 M33 will work with all PS3 Firmwares up to 2.10. (Which is the latest) However, if you want to get it to run on earlier firmwares..

Blast Sony!! Ok, DAX and M33 has what's called a PSARDUMPER. The PSAR is in my eyes, the files of the firmwares from the EBOOT, and it is what gets written to flash0. Anyways, Ryu has written a so noob guide on how to dump files from the later firmwares. The new M33 PSARDUMPER is NOW FOR the 3.80 firmware. (_HellDashX_ made 3.80 PSARDUMPER) :mrgreenthumbsup: Nothing much changed about the dumper. If you are one that aren't on 3.80 M33, then read this guide. If you are on 3.80 M33, there is absolutely no need to do this.

Quote:Download 3.72 UPDATE EBOOT
Download 3.80 PSARDUMPER
Open USB Connection and put 3.72 eboot (rename it to EBOOT.PBP) in root of mem stick
Put PSARDUMPER in Game (3.71 kernal)
Run Psardumper
Press Square
After it's done dumping, open USB Connection and copy premo_plugin.prx (f0\vsh\module) and premo_plugin.rco (f0\vsh\resource) and paste them somewhere for safe keeping
You can delete the folder now.
Open recovery menu on PSP (right bumper and turn on with PSP still connected to PC)
Go to advanced
Select Toggle USB (flash0)
A new window should pop up on your PC
Make sure you have hidden files and system files viewable
Replace premo_plugin.prx (vsh\module) and premo_plugin.rco (vsh\resource) with the ones you copied
Select Toggle USB (flash0) to disable
Restart PSP

that should let the psp use 3.72 (PS3 -2.10) remote play on 3.71.
Spoiler for IRSHELL Remote Fix:

This will illustrate how to fix the IRSHELL Remote problem. IRSHELL complains that the sircs_driver is missing, and it locks up. Ever since 3.60, this has been removed. However, you can get this in two ways. If you're on 3.71 M33, run through update 2, and 3, and it will get flashed over. In case you did DCv3, it will be missing. Now, you will need to work M33 PSARDUMPER. Here's how. *PHAT PSP USERS*

Quote:1.Download the 3.52 Update
2.Download M33 PSARDUMPER
3.Extract the 'EBOOT.PBP' to the root of your MS.
4.Extract the PSARDUMPER (It's in the M33PSARDUMPER folder) to X:/PSP/GAME or X:/PSP/GAME371
5.Reboot and set your kernel to 3.71
6.Go to XMB, and launch the PSARDUMPER from GAME>MemoryStick
7.Once it boots, press [], and let the DUMPER do its work.
8.When done, you get kicked out to the XMB. Activate USB (MemoryStick).
9.You should see a folder called F0 on the root. Go into it. Go to the 'kd' folder.
10.Find 'sircs.prx', and drag it to your computer.
11.Disable USB Mode, and activate USB(flash0) - If you're on 3.71 M33-2, do THIS FROM RECOVERY.
12.Drag the 'sircs.prx' (from MS), and move to X:/kd
13.Disable USB Mode, and reboot.
Check it now. It should work. On later firmwares, if the 'sircs.prx' is not transferred over by an update, this is the way to do it..
Spoiler for Downloads, Links, Tools, and other stuff -In Random Order (Some stuff for M33 users):
Spoiler for Credits:

Team M33 - M33 CFW - So so Sweet/ 3.7x PSARDUMPER
Dark_Alex - A lot of nifty stuff. 3.71/3.80/3.90 M33 firmwares. And all of the M33 firmwares to come. Apart from that, Despertar Cementerio :D
bcman - A lot of tips, and his 'New User Guide', and 'Hack Your Slim' guide
exad - His 3.XX OE Guide inspired me to write this guide
Ryu - Remote Play on 3.71 M33 (Original version)
Me - The Guide
You - The end user. You make contributions, and provide to the scene, sometimes without knowing.
Hackers/Developers - Those who bring new stuff to the scene. :mrgreenthumbsup:
_HellDashX_  - 3.80 PSARDUMPER.
Hope you guys can enjoy/understand my confusing and informative guide.
Alright, first things first.

1. Great guide.

2. It's a bit long, so maybe you should divide individual sections into separate spoilers, so that way it isn't a wall of text.

I can't pick the right font. Every good one I see on my system looks fine there, but on here.. pffft. *Changes again* I'll go into the spoiler stuff because I figured that I needed to split some up. (YEa, but with no C&P avail)

EDIT: Done. I just can't the recovery menu in a spoiler. ugh.
u have too much uncompleted bbcode that ruin the spoiler tag.

Nice, but copypasta is flawed from the get go.  M33 is actually DAX, there was no reverse engineering involved.
Games like a Grrl Wrote:M33 is actually DAX, there was no reverse engineering involved.

What they don't know won't hurt them...
Reference URL's