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Full Version: Messing around with photoshop, need some help
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So, as the title implies, ive been messing around with photoshop, and i need some help

I was looking through an ebook, and found an image i liked, so i copied it out, and decided to try and colour it, jsut to see what i could do

So i loded up photoshop, created a new file using default settings it gave me, and pasted image in. Good

Next, i get all the bits highlighted that i want to colour (i use magic wand tool since its all in b/w at this stage and really clean

Now, i go to colour it. I can't.
EVERYTHING is in black and white. This annoys me, but i try to solve it.
I fail, but end up with a rather nice looking image with a few tweaks, albeit in black and white
So i decide to save it
I can't. I can save as a PSD, but if it try and save it as a PNG i get told that "could not save as....because the resulting document will have no channels"

Now im pissed, i couldnt colour it, but i made a nice black and white thing, with no layers either as they wouldnt work
Can someone help me please, if i upload the PSD which i can save

[attachment=1520]This is the one without a cloud mask on, since i can't do layers
[attachment=1521]This is the one with the cloud mask on
I just did it :) I'll upload the pic and tell you how in a moment :P
thank you!!! This pissed me off SO MUCH!!!!
OK I used the same method for both of them:
[Image: work.png]

[Image: work2copy.png]

Basically I tried saving it and it wouldn't work so I went to IMAGE>MODE to see what settings you had it on and I saw that it was on multichannel so I changed it to Grayscale, and from there I went back to IMAGE>MODE and I saw that all the other options were there, so I chose RBG Color which I know can save into all those formats and is the one you want. So I tried saving it and it worked :)

And there you go!!!
horray, thank you...i now have it as i want it
If i had any epiggies i would give them to you

I am a complete moron when it comes to photoshop, o was just fudgeing about because i was bored...then i was just plain annoyed
I don't want E-Piggies!!!!! lol Your a great person in these forums and I like to help anyways :)

BTW I don't need the E-Piggies cause I have the most in EP lol

Oh and about Photoshop....just keep going at it and you will eventually find out loads!!!! You don't even have to use tuts!!! Believe me, I didn't know how to open up an image less than half a year ago on Photoshop!!!!
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