Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [BATTLE] Senseito Sakura vs MehHakker vs *®$нд∂¥©*
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The 3-Way Triple Battles [[ Battle 1 || LEADER BATTLE ]]

DreamArts || Tainted Nights || Pixel of Death

Senseito Sakura vs MehHakker vs *®$нд∂¥©*

Theme: Freestyle
Type: Signature
Time: Unannounced/When finished

~ Entries ~

None as of yet

Round 2 will start as soon as this Round has finished [When Voting Ends]
Cheers Sensei!!!!! Gonna get started on making mine!!!!
off all times I have block today-hopefully I'll be able to make something before the end of the day for BR -let alone this
hey there i might start on mine later....

just seen this and thought i'd post...
Well I've almost finished mine :) Just a few last touches.....
Can wee have the rule of no team members can vote?
Well I'm done. How about you and Shady??? Oh and diego I think that would be good....but wee must consider that alot of the people who come to the Graphics are actually on teams.....but I think wee should put it in.
Mainly to be fair. And others like V1, Yoyo and U_c vote.
Yeah I suppose :D How can wee make more people vote? Hmmmmmmm maybe announce it in news so its on the main page of EP or is that not a good idea?
diego Wrote:Can wee have the rule of no team members can vote?

That would be absurd...... most of the voters won't be able to vote then ~~

It can't be done otherwise
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