I don't want to do the whole firmware dump you need for a full cxmb setup, can someone with it up it fer me?
check you pms in a few minutes..
Milady, why don't you just do the Lite Setup, its soooooooo much easier
can i have the full cxmb setup i havnt used it in ages and am lazy also
want it mainly for ctf files
Damn that is lazy,
It don't take 5 minutes to dump the files,
Yeah, I know, Hibby, it was late, I wanted to have it before heading to work right now, and I could barely keep mah eyes open, last night I didn't have the attention span to download the dumper, read it, get the files I needed, etc, I was just too tired.
Thanks for the pm.
i think the files were posted in a tut here on ep by someone