Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Extracting from PTF
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Okay, here is what I am trying to do. I have 2 ptf themes, that one of them has icons I like, the other has a background I like. I want to remove the background from one and place it in the other with the icons or vise versa. Okay, now here is what I have tried to do, I have them both on my psp and they work fine. I have used ptf2rco to get the rco files that are needed to get to the background or to the icons, now I try to use rco edit, and it fails to remove the icons or the background, and for the life of me I can't figure out what is wrong. I have searched through out this forum and others, and I still can't figure it out. so if anyone can help me figure it out I would be very thankful.

I pulled the ptfs from another site, and I can not find out who made the themes.

[attachment=1511] «---Background I want
[attachment=1512] «---Icons I want
okay I have tried that but I can not get the z33 tool to work properly, it keeps telling me can not run. and it doesn't do anything. now maybe its because I don't have a CFW installed I don not know. but if I can get help, in learning what I need to do. I know I need a pandora battery and magic stick, I will get them shortly, since I have to buy them off of ebay, no access to a psp fat.
I havent used z33's tool yet . So i can't really help you , sorry :(
I don't think I ever released an update to ptf2rco, though I've had it here for ages...
This fixes a few bugs, and a little conflict with Z33's tool - if you want it, it's below:

To extract backgrounds, after decompression, you need to extract the background entry as a GIM file, then rename it to BMP.  RCO Editor will show the image as invalid.

Here's the files you wanted:

Could I also ask you to please use better topic titles next time?  Since you're posting in the PSP Help section, it's obvious that you're asking for help.  The title there is to give a quick summary (ie in a few words) of what your problem is.
THANK YOU A WHOLE LOT!!!!! now I just have to get a cfw on my psp to do other stuff I want.

Thank you very much.
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