Endless Paradigm

Full Version: photoshop tennis....
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Pages: 1 2
ok little rules 1st off

don't make to huge of a change

some part of the orignal image must stay in the picture, and not just 1 pixel..

and try not to cover up what someone else has done..
arrrrrrrrrrg i said no spoilers, please don't use them
now i have to remove them
Spoiler for original:
[Image: IMG00355.jpg]
[Image: phototennis.png]

lets see how the end picture will look..
[Image: phototennisjw1.jpg]
keep adding on to what's already edited..
[Image: f_phototennism_2a613ed.jpg]
[Image: hotchick.jpg]
[Image: spiiff3tm3.jpg]
[Image: spiiff3tm3copy.png]
[Image: spiiff3tm3copycopy.png]
[Image: spiiff3tm3copycopycopy.png]
[Image: spiiff3tm3copyyf8.png]

someone will have to add the text again sorry
Pages: 1 2
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