Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New Wolf sig!!!!!!
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No not Wolf's got a new sig!!!! lol
Its actually for a freestyle battle against Mc Cabe over on his site PSParody but roberth wanted a sig with the Sonata Arctica wolf in it so I said to myself "hmmmm Roberth can have this if he likes?":o:

[Image: roberthwolfiecopy.png]

Its not the Sonata Arctica wolf but you can take it if you want.....otherwise you don't have to....Peace
dude, that is fudgeing awesome

So robbed (pardon the pun :P)
Thank you sooooo much Mehhakker
And here I thought you made a sig for me...


Nice job.
No problem thanks :D
Wonderful... I love it.
Thanks alot Sensei!!!! :D
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