Endless Paradigm

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OK so Sensei wanted to see some of my art stuffs. I have a stash of my manga drawings somewhere.....but I can't find them.....
These are all really drawn/painted/blahblahblahed by me and are a select few of the best pages in my sketchbook at the moment:D!!!!

Hira (One of my made up characters that I wasn going to make a manga about but gave up.....it had a really good story too....if anyone can draw then contact me about making a manga!!!!!)

[Image: Hira_by_Mehhakker.jpg]

Gargle Grop (Inspired by Takashi Murakami - really cool stuff!!!)

[Image: garglegrop.png]

Kanye West Bear (Again created by Takashi Murakami for Graduation)

[Image: takashikanye.png]

Takka Takka (By Roy Litchenstein but close up by me :D)

[Image: takkatakka.png]

Glug Glug (Created by ME!!!!!! I actually did a version of this a while ago but it got 'borrowed'....)

[Image: glugglug.png]

Eva Unit 1 Head (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

[Image: unfinishedevaheadcopy.png]

Graffiti Mix (Line drawing for now)

[Image: graffiti01.png]

Flower Ink Lines drawn with a withy(It looks poo poo in this pic but they were actually really hard to do....)

[Image: InkWithyLineDrawing.png]

Etchings [Wikipedia] (much harder than it looks and it takes a long time!)

Drypoint Tester (almost like engraving, but you get a burr)

[Image: etchingtester.png]

Terry Winters Style Etching

[Image: TerryWintersEtchingStyle.png]

Weird Manga Eye Scribble Thingy

[Image: etchingeye.png]

Takashi Kanye Gargle Grop (My own mix)

[Image: garlglegropkanye.png]

Another Wierd Manga Eye

[Image: mangaeye2.png]

Spiral Stroke

[Image: stroke.png]

These took a very long time to make and the pages are quite big aswell....:D

Well there you go!!!!! PeacePeace
Wow that nice I draw graffity too!But when I bomb I haven't more time to make photos!
Thanks leo!!!! :D
How do you do big picture?MehHacker!I'm noob in this URL!
Firstly upload your image to somewhere like Photobucket or Imageshack and they provide you with a link to your image like for my sig the link is:


to make it show you have to do this:


with those little tags that say [img] [/img] at the end....

Oh big thanks!
No problem!!! If you want to know more about the tags then go here:


[Image: spongemy3.th.jpg]
I don't know why this is small image!
But this is my tag!:)
Yeah that's it!! looks cool!!!

Why don't you make your own thread and show people you stuff!!!! Cause this is my thread lol :P
Awesome stuff  MehHakker.

You've really impressed me, your a quality artist in reality... whereas I'm spoon LOL.

Keep it up!!
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